Monday, March 2, 2009

Four Forms of Idolatry

When the Church was already doing bad Francis Bacon decided to attack the only thing that the church had left, which was education. He claimed that the Church had gone against these idolatry's.

1. Idols of the Tribe-"The bias of human beings to jump to conclusions based on what is new or strange rather than investing time to understand what is true".

What this means is that when something new was discovered and no one new that much about it the church would not allow it to be proven true and just say that it goes against the church. This stopped them from learning new things and kept the church in power because everyone thought that the church knew best.
2. Idols of the Cave- "Creating individual biases through the education system".

This means that they just interpreted the words into their own meaning. Meaning that the saying or phrase can mean one thing but they would give it the meaning they want it to have. The church sort of is like the Allegory of the Cave because they only show you images they want you to see.

3. Idols of the Marketplace- language created to share knowledge (e.g. philosophy is more concerned with winning arguments than revealing truth) locks us into specific ways of knowing.

This one is also like the first one and it means that the church is again trying to force their views on its members. Most of Europe was uneducated so they didn't have to worry about getting caught and if someone did every go against the church it was called heresy and they were killed or baned. This just helped give the church more power and keep them in control more.

4. Idols of the Theatre- Christian west has given reverence to four of five Greek scholars and has ignored any other understanding of the world.

This is also like the others becuase the Christian West would only selelct a few of the scholars and focus on them and completely ignore all the other ones. Forcig people to believe that only these are right and the others are wrong. This makes people think that the church knows best and when they learn about the specific ones from the church then they too automatically think that the other scholars are wrong. The church is really good on imposing its ideas on it followers and it only picked the philosophers they liked. I am kind of glad that the church isn't in that much power anymore because then our lives today would be very different from what they are right now.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Affirmative Action

I think that even though we have an African-American president we still need to make sure that atleast a specific amount of African-American and Latinos get into college even if it is only becuase the government requires it because I think that even though we have a new president we still can't ignore the fact that in the past their has been racisim. i think that this is something that will not go away because of a new president. We have to remember that Obama didn't the presidency by 100% so their are people here in the USA who still think that anyone who isn't white cannot lead our country. We have to remember that these things can't be rushed and even though it looks like we aren't making any progress, besides the presidency, but we are because if we look back we can see that we no longer have slaverly, as somethink legal, and we are all able to go the same places. But this thing about college can take a while for it to be coleeges would want African-Americans and Latinos because they are smart and not because they have to have specific number of them in their school. Sorry I din't mention it earlier but you should have gotten the message that i am pro-affirmative.


Syllogisms are in three sentences with two terms and one conclusion. Here is an example:
All cats are adorable.
Garbanzo and Bean are adorable.
Garbanzo and Bean are cats.

Another example would be:
If Edward get good grades on my blogger, that means I did them all.
Edward didn't do one.
Therefore he didn't get a good grade.
This specific one is an example of Modus Tollen.

The other one is Modus Ponen
Robert Pattinson lives in LA
I saw Robert Pattinson. (I wish I did)
Therefore I was in LA

The third type is Modus Tollen:
If you are fan of Twilight, people think your weird
People think I'm weird
Therefore I am a fan of Twilight
So you see this logic can actually be quite fun to make you, and can try it too.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I missed the first two blogs so does anyone want to explain what we have to do?Please and thank you!!

Galileo and His Daughter

I would just like to say that the dude who played Galileo's pert in the movie was very weird. Moving on to the main subject Galileo's daughter was essential for his writings because she was the editor of it and she helped him publish it. Also, because she was a pharmacist, I forgot what word Mr. Basinger used, she made him remedies that helped him stay alive and she gave him lots of things like vapors to make sure he was always fit. But what I don't get is that, I mean I know that is your dad, but what did he ever give her but worry. I'm not saying she should completely ignore or stop talking to him or talking care of him but its like she is playing the tole of the daughter slash housewife (all of you pervs out their DON'T get the wrong meaning). Otherwise Galileo probably wouldn't even be alive and able to right his book if it wasn't for her. She was always their for him until the end of the time and when he was sentenced for house arrest she took up part of the punishment and did the praying part for him. What I don't understand is if he really was sorry, which I thought that he wasn't, he should want to do the prayers himself so that he could repent for his sins but he didn't he let his daughter do it. What I was also curious about was that if the church would really know if he actually said those prayers everyday that he was told to say. That all i think I about this and i am saying this again DO NOT GET THE WRONG MESSAGE!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

St. Thomas Aquinas' Says WAT?!

I personally think that Aquinas' best and worst way would be the third way, as the best, and the first way as the worst.

The third way talks about the two types of objects in the universe which are contingent beings and necessary beings. He says that contingent being is an object that can not exist without a necessary being causing its existence. Which means that we as humans cannot exist without the help of others and we existed through the help of others. Which is true because we as humans are always trying to solve the mystery of how we came to be and then we always turn to god for the answer. We turn to God because nothing else makes sense and we have to have an explanation and it is better to say that god did it than it is to leave the question blank. Its like when you take a test and you don't know the answer to the problem but your teacher says to guess so that you might even get some credit. We use god to answer the problem we can't solve by ourselves.

The worst wave to me was the first way because in it he talks about motion and how that an object in motion is put into motion by some other object or force. Which makes sense for some things but not all because i am typing this on my own and their is no other object that is moving my fingers but my brain and nothing is putting my brain into motion. I f god is the mover of all things then I personally think that it would take a while for us to move because, I know God is powerful and all knowing, but can he really be everywhere at the sometime and having people move and go about their daily life. If god really is the unmoved mover then won't he need a mover as well.

So you see somethings the Aquinas said might be true but either way the all need to modified so that they can apply more to us.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

St. Augustine and Gothic Architecture (How do THEY relate?)

St. Augustine was a very important philosopher and he had a huge role in the Gothic period and how it all began. St. Augustine was always looking for the answers to his many, many questions. to find the answers to these questions he searched everywhere, including the Bible. But all he learned from the Bible was that we are all drawn to sin but it doesn't say why. It also doesn't provide any answers for his questions. So he turned to philosophy. through philosophy Augustine came to the conclusion that light represents gods presence and that we can find happiness through love and through god. So when the Gothic Cathedrals were being built they all had big windows and they allowed alot of light to come in. Which shows Augustines thinking about light representing god. So the more windows you have and the more light that comes in the closer you will feel to God and his heavenly powers.